Dolphin Encounters offers programs that meet everyone's needs, even timid or non-swimmers can enjoy a program and make their dream of meeting a dolphin come true. We also work closely with special needs guests. With arrangements made at the time of reservation, we can accommodate any person with a physical and/or mental special need in a program that they will enjoy. We also have a waterproof wheelchair that allows guests to meet the dolphins face to face. The facility is wheel chair accessible and we also work closely with the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
DE-Project BEACH has a broad selection of marine education programs designed just for groups of children. Whether it’s touching a sea urchin or meeting a dolphin or exploring the mysteries of the mangroves, each program is tailored to the grade level of its participants and focuses on hands-on learning with post-program materials. Programs are available to book on Blue Lagoon Island or at local schools and beaches.
If you’d like a quick look at the content of each program, check out the table below for basic details. For dates of availability and reservations, please call (242) 394 -2200 ext 303 or email us at . We look forward to seeing you!