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Timid or Non-swimmers Welcome

Worried that your lack of swimming skills will keep you from meeting a dolphin? DON'T BE!!! Our Dolphin Encounter program takes place in shallow water where you will stand on a platform. The dolphins will swim up and over the platform where you can meet them one-on-one. We want you to feel comfortable and to enjoy the program as well. We welcome all timid and non-swimmers and encourage you to make your dolphin dream come true.

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Marine Assembly Program Child Marine Education Project
Dolphin Encounters Student Program

Marine Assembly Program

Audience: kids grades K through grade 12
Minimum group size: 20 and up to 600
Location: any local school
Time: 1 hour, any time from 9 am – 3 pm
Cost: Free

  • Assembly Presentation
  • Topic Choices: Marine Conservation, Marine Careers, Coral Reefs, Mangrove Habitats, Inner Tidal Zone, Sharks & Rays, Marine Mammals, & Marine Protected Areas

Program Brings Ocean To Life For Local Schools

A recent theme of the day at Yellow Elder Primary School was the marine environment, and what kids can do to help protect the beautiful oceans and wildlife of the Bahamas.

Through a new, free outreach program presented by DE - Project BEACH, all of the students at the school experienced an interactive presentation entitled, ‘Marine Protected Areas: the Pearls of Our Islands,’ under the schoolyard’s magnificent sapodilla tree. After a question-and-answer session, the children headed to the classroom, where they painted posters to express what they had just learned about the riches of the sea.

The ‘Marine Assembly Program’ is the newest educational activity offered by DE - Project BEACH (Bahamas Education Association for Cetacean Health), the not-for-profit affiliate of the marine facility on Blue Lagoon Island.

For each topic, grade-specific versions of the Assembly Program (K-2, Grades 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12) are available to schools across the country. Educators can choose from several topics, including Marine Careers, Amazing Marine Mammals, Deep Sea Exploration, Crazy Coral Reefs.

The assembly on Marine Protected Areas -- the parts of the ocean that are set apart by law to ensure their preservation -- is devoted to the message that, ‘every fish has a job to do.’ The Yellow Elder students learned that crawfish and crabs, for example, are the ‘trash collectors’ of our reefs, while cleaner shrimp act as ‘doctors’ to other fish by making sure that parasites do not infect them.

Both the Students and Teachers at Yellow Elder declared the inauguration of M.A.P. a huge success!

One Great Program Leads To Another...

The Marine Assembly Program was born from the popularity of another great program: the Ocean Puppet Pals. Created last year, this colourful puppet show travels to classrooms throughout the Bahamas to teach young children about the lives, habits and needs of different sea animals.

Marine Assembly Program at Yellow Elder Primary School
“We ask the children to role-play, as a doctor or construction worker, to give them a first-hand sense of why every living thing in the ocean is important,” said Ranaldo Smith, Educational Assistant at for Dolphin Encounters. “They learn that each individual animal in the sea works together to benefit the whole.”

“It was the success of Puppet Pals that inspired us to create the new Assembly Program,” said Annette Dempsey, Director of Education at Dolphin Encounters. “We realize that sometimes it’s hard to organize field trips for big entire grade levels, so we designed another fun activity that would bring marine science alive right in the schoolyard.”

The M.A.P.’s can also lead to inspired artwork in the annual Marine Education Poster Contest. “We decided to have all of our students take part in the poster contest, and having this goal really made them focus on the presentation today,” said Portia Sweeting, Science Coordinator. “It was a wonderful experience, because the children had fun, especially when they were asked to act out different parts and answer questions, & the material was really brought home to them.”

Why An Assembly?

  • 30-minute interactive assembly for your grade level that engages your students to learn about science & nature.
  • A variety of topics that can complement your curriculum any time of the year.
  • It’s a FREE program that is offered at your school!

All rates are subject to change, at any time, to include additional taxes and fees as demanded legally by the Government of The Bahamas.

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