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Education & Research
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Longstanding Member of Prestigious Industry Organizations

Dolphin Encounters is an accredited member of the Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums (AAMPA) and a member of the International Marine Animal Trainer's Association (IMATA) confirming our status as of one of the top marine parks in its field.

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Sea Camp Children Marine Summer Camp
Dolphin Encounters Student Program

Sea Campsea camp

Audience: kids grades 3 and up
Minimum group size: 10
Location: Blue Lagoon Island
Time: 3-5 hours, departures at 8:30 am & 10:30 am

  • Orientation
  • Dolphin encounter program
  • Sea lion demonstration
  • Marine Activities
  • Touch Tank Session
  • Sea tag keychain with personal dolphin photo
  • Official Sea Camp backpack
  • Marine Activity Kit
  • Lunch

A Program That Has It All!

Once again,Dolphin Encounters-Project BEACH has designed a new program based on what educators wanted in a field trip. The new Sea Camp Program is a full-day trip that combines all the fun of meeting our marine ambassadors- the dolphins- with lessons and activities that drive the Ocean messages home.

“We know that educators want value in their field trips, ones that reward their students for good work already done as well as ones that motivate the kids to want to learn more,” said Annette Dempsey, Director of Education at Dolphin Encounters.“If an educator can only pick one field trip a year, this is definitely the one.”

Also included in the price of each ticket is the once-in-a-lifetime photo of the dolphin kiss, an official Sea Camp backpack, a take-home-project and, of course, lunch! And to top it all off, each child will receive a Sea Tag Award. Each marine keytag has a sealife character and a conservation action tag, a reminder of the lessons learned from the dolphins. Kids proudly wear their sea tags on their backpacks and bags, letting everyone know that they are proud to protect our Bahamian waters.

Is one Sea Camp not enough for you? Then come back and we’ll dive into different activities at our Sea Lab for each camp. And of course, the Sea Tag Awards change too!

Day Camp Appeals To Principals & Educators

Organizing a field trip can be pretty demanding so DE-Project BEACH put together a full-day field trip to make the most of an educator’s time. The program appeals to principals as well, provoking their kids to think about science with long-lasting effects on their science-inquiry skills.

“The Ocean is the Bahamas’ greatest resource, and these programs allow students to be exposed firsthand to the marine environment and how to protect it,” said Principal Wendy Fowler of Sandilands Primary School. “When students become involved beyond books and beyond the classroom, the lessons have a more profound impact on them. When learning is fun and creative, students become enthusiastic and the fun is contagious.”

So make the most of your field trip and schedule a Sea Camp today!

 Sea Camp Topics Include:

Natural History & Physiology of Marine Mammals •
Watchable Wildlife Guidelines •
Animal Care & Training •
Science-Based Inquiry •
• Language & Grammar
Marine Conservation •
Language Skills •

Each Camper Receives:

  • Orientation
  • Dolphin Encounter
  • Sea Camp backpack
  • Dolphin Photo
  • Marine Activities
  • Sea Tag Award
  • Lunch

All rates are subject to change, at any time, to include additional taxes and fees as demanded legally by the Government of The Bahamas.

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© 2015 Dolphin Encounters.