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Education & Research
What sets us apart

Dolphin Encounters Has Won The Prestigious Cacique Award

In 2005, Dolphin Encounters won the prestigious Cacique Award from the Bahamas' Ministry of Tourism which honours the finest in the tourism in our country. We are the only marine mammal facility in The Bahamas to have done so.

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Sea Lab Outreach Program Ocean Safari
Dolphin Encounters Student Program

The Sea Lab Outreach Program

Audience: kids grades pre-K through grade 6
Minimum group size: 20
Location: any school
Time: 1 hour, any time from 9 am – 3 pm

  • Orientation
  • Marine Activities
  • Sea tag keychain with animal photo

Sea Lab Offers Diverse Topics

Students explore a variety of Marine Ecosystems & Wildlife!

Do you want your lab to focus on dangerous predators of the sea? Mangrove habitats? Coral reef creatures? How about dolphins & whales? Or even creatures that roam the deep and open seas? It’s up to you! The Se Lab has enough activities to offer that you can choose the topic you’d like your kids to focus upon. This allows educators to utilize the lab to reinforce learning with hands-on activities.

This program is offered as a field trip to Dolphin Encounters on beautiful Blue Lagoon Island OR as an outreach program to your classroom.

Want your whole grade level to dive into the exploration? Then schedule each class back to back. Take the plunge and put marine adventure into your education plan!

For more information, please call 394-2200 or email us at .

Meeting NSTA Standards

Each student education program at Dolphin Encounters includes a list of National Science Teacher Association standards which are fulfilled through the activities. As international standards in the education community, these guidelines establish the value of each program as an educational field trip that will enhance any teacher’s science curriculum.

Each Sea Lab Field Trip Includes:

  1. Boat Ride to Dolphin Encounters
  2. 2 Hours of Marine Activities
  3. Official Sea Lab Hat
  4. Sea Tag Award
  5. Snack

Each Sea Lab Field Outreach Includes:

  1. 1 Hour of Marine Activities in your classroom
  2. Choose From a variety of topics
  3. Sea Award

All rates are subject to change, at any time, to include additional taxes and fees as demanded legally by the Government of The Bahamas.

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