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What sets us apart

Educational Programs

Dolphin Encounters has been the host to thousands of local and visiting schoolchildren through our many educational programs and we remain committed to teaching everyone that visits the facility the importance of protecting and preserving the marine environment.

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Contact Dolphin Encounters Email Addresses and Phone Numbers
Contact Dolphin Encounters


Dolphin Encounters Ltd.
P.O. Box SS 6257
Nassau, Bahamas

Reservations and Related Queries

Toll Free Phone:866-918-9932
Telephone: 1 (242) 363-1003
Fax: 1 (242) 363-4438

Group Bookings

Joy Smith

Telephone:1 (242) 363-7168
Fax:1 (242) 363-4437

*Please make all group requests via email or fax

Customer Service, Wedding Questions and Special Requests

Latoya Rolle

Telephone: 1 (242) 363-7167
Fax: 1 (242) 363-4437

*Please make all group requests via email or fax

Gift Shop

Ivannette Russell

Telephone:1 (242) 363-7180 ext 304
Fax:1 (242) 394-2244

Human Resources

Cathy Lightfoot

Telephone:1 (242) 363-7161
Fax:1 (242) 363-4437

Dorothy Bartlett

Telephone:1 (242) 363-7150
Fax:1 (242) 363-4437

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We appreciate your comments or feedback.

Telephone:1 (242) 363-7155
Fax:1 (242) 363-4437

Media Relations: Media Visits, Press Kits

Joy Smith

Telephone:1 (242) 363-7168
Fax:1 (242) 363-4437

Photo & Video Department: Purchases, Reorders & Questions

Malderine Butler

Telephone:1 (242) 363-7180 ext 310
Fax:1 (242) 394-2244

Animals Training and Education

Kim Terrell & Annette Dempsey

Telephone:1 (242) 363-7180 ext 302/303
Fax:1 (242) 394-2244

Sales and Marketing:

Joy Smith

Telephone:1 (242) 363-7168
Fax:1 (242) 363-4437

All rates are subject to change, at any time, to include additional taxes and fees as demanded legally by the Government of The Bahamas.

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© 2015 Dolphin Encounters.