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It is an Authentic Bahamian Experience

Dolphin Encounters is the oldest dolphin facility in The Bahamas and is owned and operated by a local family - so you can be sure that your program will be safe, educational, fun and authentically Bahamian.

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Marine Resource Seminar for Educators
Dolphin Encounters Teacher Program

Marine Resource Seminar

marine resourcesAudience: pre-K, primary or secondary level teachers
Minimum group size: 10
Location: Blue Lagoon Island
Time: 6 hours, 8:30 am – 2:30 pm
Cost: Free

  • Orientation
  • Dolphin encounter program
  • Hands-on marine activities
  • Seminar handbook of lesson plans
  • Sea tag keychain with a personal dolphin photo
  • Facility tour
  • Lunch

Marine Resource Seminar - Marine Educators In Action

A nation of 700 islands needs teachers with hands-on experience in marine education! With the goal of bringing marine education to our local schools, we've set out to tailor a seminar for educators that would immerse them in not only the water, but also the curriculum that they could take back into the classroom.

With many Caribbean marine educators facing the same challenges, the Marine Resource Seminar was designed to address some of hurdles faced in teaching a science curriculum. First, teachers need resources for the classroom.

Marine Resource Handbook is laid out as a master set of copies for teachers to reproduce and reuse in each class.

Second, teachers need to be trained to understand the materials provided and be excited about them! Well, putting marine education into action means getting wet and learning first-hand about the ocean -such as meeting the Atlantic bottlenose dolphins in the shallow-water encounter program.

dolphin dance"With the door of intrigue wide open, the seminar continues with a round-robin of marine activities that can be reproduced directly from the handbook," said Ranaldo Smith, Education Supervisor at Dolphin Encounters.

But don't stop there! Teachers receive T-shirts and certificates for participating in the seminar, the same as the children would in our kids programs. And one added perk: a complementary lunch for hard-working teachers! Participating teachers from government schools qualify for bringing their kids to participate in the special student program - The Reef Rangers. This interactive program includes the exciting encounter with our marine ambassadors, the dolphins.

With such great reviews from teachers, it is going to be hard to keep the teachers away. Call to reserve your space at the next Marine Resource Seminar!


Professional & Personal Development for Educators

Informal education as recognized by National Science Teachers Association offers teachers a means to enhance both professional and personal development in science content and knowledge. Importantly, DE educators play a unique role for classroom teachers by providing a model of experiential, hands-on learning and teaching. We also have specific curriculum materials available for classroom use.

Teachers are required by national and state science standards to teach explicit, well-defined concepts for each grade level. Because our institution incorporates National Science Education Standards in both curriculums and programs, we are able to significantly contribute to classroom academic objectives.

Secondly, according to NSTA, informal learning experiences extend to the affective, cognitive, and social realms by presenting the opportunity for mentors, professionals, and citizens to share time, friendship, effort, creativity, and expertise with youngsters and adult learners.

Dolphin Encounters understands these science standards and, working in partnership, assists teachers by integrating these standards into curriculum and programs for school children offered both at Dolphin Encounters as well as education outreach programs to the schools.

All rates are subject to change, at any time, to include additional taxes and fees as demanded legally by the Government of The Bahamas.

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