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Dolphin Encounters is one of the top attractions in the Bahamas. More than 2.5 million people have visited us since we opened our all-natural facility in 1989. Dolphin Encounters has literally set the standard for marine mammal interactive programs in our country and beyond.

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Project Green Kids Ocean Conservatism Program
Dolphin Encounters Student Program

Project GreenProject Green

Audience: kids grades 3 through grade 12
Minimum group size: 20
Location: any local school
Time: 1 hour, any time from 9 am – 3 pm
Cost: Free

  • Marine Conservation Orientation
  • Conservation Painting Boards & Supplies
  • Thank You Ocean Awards

Conservation & Art Team-Up To Fight Trash!
Kids have some pretty great ideas when you’re listening. In fact, kids who proudly scoured local beaches of trash came up with the idea of Project Green. The problem? Trash! The solution? Trash cans with a message from kids!

Dolphin Encounters-Project B.E.A.C.H. put their idea into action by creating the Project Green program. The lack of trash cans at local beaches, parks and school grounds was appalling. Members of the community fully support this project by donating steel drums, paint and paint supplies (The Bahamas imports over 10,000 gallons of oil each year. That’s a lot of drums!)
But just putting a can there doesn’t solve the problem: we have to change the way people think about trash. The first step is to create stewardship in students by encouraging them to learn about marine conservation issues. Then we provide a field trip where they can express their concerns through art on the trash bins we have collected. And finally, we place those bins in the community where the message comes from the kids.

Local kids with their painted drums and Project Green certificatesThe program has become so successful, that local authorities are now placing permanent cans on many of the beach and parks that has Project Green cans. The effort now is to create signs that will placed on the beach to drive conservation messages home.

This FREE one-hour outreach program is hosted at participating schools or churches. Educators can expect an orientation on marine conservation. All paint supplies are provided. Kids & chaperones should wear old clothes that can get paint on them. After the program, each child proudly receives a sea award. Bring stewardship to your class by signing up for Project Green today!

How does Project Green benefit kids?

  • Kids learn the relationships of trash to marine life & the importance of a healthy Ocean.
  • Kids utilize reading & language skills in learning marine conservation vocabulary.
  • Project Green creates stewardship for the Bahamas which builds confidence in kids.

Local Business Support Being Very Green!

Local companies play an important role in Project Green. C&S Steel Building Supply Company and The Paint Place donated the paint for the kick-off event. New Providence Development Company donated fifty-five gallon oil drums to be used as receptacles.
Kelly’s Hardware, AID & Bahamian Paint have also sponsored the paint & brushes that will be used for all of Project Green events.
“We are so pleased that local firms have joined us and made donations to this program,” said Michael Jervis, Manager of Vertical Markets for the Ministry of Tourism.
“We all need to be involved in conserving and protecting our natural heritage and we encourage other businesses to join and support us in this important program.”
To donate paint, drums or supplies, please call 1-242-394-2200.

Each FREE Outreach Program Includes:

  • Poster Board for Sign
  • Paint Supplies
  • Gloves
  • Sea Awards Certificate and Conservation Kit

All rates are subject to change, at any time, to include additional taxes and fees as demanded legally by the Government of The Bahamas.

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