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What sets us apart

Dolphin Encounters Has Won The Prestigious Cacique Award

In 2005, Dolphin Encounters won the prestigious Cacique Award from the Bahamas' Ministry of Tourism which honours the finest in the tourism in our country. We are the only marine mammal facility in The Bahamas to have done so.

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Dolphin Encounters FAQs - Programs

What's the difference between the "Dolphin Encounter" and "Dolphin Swim" programs?
In the "Swim," you are completely immersed in water with life jackets (for easier interactions with the dolphins), while in the "Encounter" you interact with dolphins from a special waist-deep platform. The "Dolphin Swim" has additional behaviors and more interaction time than the "Encounter".

Will there be other people in our program?
The maximum allowed in each "Dolphin Swim" and "Sea Lion Encounter" is ten persons and the maximum for the "Dolphin Encounter" is 30 persons although only ten people at a time are in the water interacting with the dolphins.

How deep is the water in the "Dolphin Swim" program? Do you provide wet suits and life vests when it is cold?
The water is 10-25 feet deep in the "Dolphin Swim" program. Wet suits (short type) are available at no cost, while life vests are mandatory in the swim program which help participants interact more freely with the dolphins by eliminating the need to tread water.

Can paid participants bring friends or relatives to watch their dolphin programs?
Anybody can observe our programs by paying the $30 observer fee, which includes round-trip boat transportation to and from Blue Lagoon Island.

Do you accept physically challenged or handicapped persons in your programs?
Absolutely. Dolphin Encounters caters to the physically challenged. When making a reservation, it is important to let our representative know the details of your disability. After our representative speaks with management, a decision will be made as to how to proceed. The dolphins are trained to interact with each person regardless of his or her size, shape, gender, or abilities.

Prices do not include 7.5% Value Added Tax effective Jan. 1, 2015 (new Bahamas government tax)

All rates are subject to change, at any time, to include additional taxes and fees as demanded legally by the Government of The Bahamas.

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