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What sets us apart

Beautiful Scenic Boat Ride

We know that not all of our guests are big boaters and a few may worry about the size of the vessels or the length of the trip. Relax! Our catamarans are large, double-decker vessels that can each carry well over 100 passengers. Each boat has a captain and two mates, is equipped with life vests and is fully licensed and inspected. The ride is approximately 20-minutes and you never lose sight of land or venture far out to sea. Sit back, relax and enjoy as we cruise through Nassau's harbour, past Paradise Island and over to Blue Lagoon Island. The boat ride is very picturesque and worth the trip!

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Dolphin Encounters FAQs - Programs

Check-In and Departures

Where and when should I check-in?
You must check-in at the Paradise Island Ferry Terminal. It is the only building between the two bridges on Paradise Island. We recommend that you arrive 30-minutes before your boat departure time. This gives you enough time to check-in at the ticket booth and get your wrist band.

How long is the tour?
Our tour is approximately 3 hours long including a 20-minute scenic both ride to and from our facility, an educational lecture, program and time to shower, change, view your photos and make purchases in our snack and gift shops.

What times do the boats depart?
Our boats depart from Paradise Island Ferry Terminal at four regularly scheduled times: 8:30am, 10:30am, 1:30pm and 3:30pm.

Can I walk from Atlantis to the ticket booth?
Yes. The Paradise Island Ferry Terminal is located directly across the street from Atlantis by the Marina Village and Marina. Our check-in window is located closer to most of the lobbies than some of the hotel's own attractions. We are only a five minute walk from the Coral, Beach and Royal Towers lobbies.

How big are your boats? Are they safe? Are they wheelchair accessible?
We operate large double-decker, high-speed catamarans that are made to hold more than one-hundred people each. Each boat has life vests and is overseen by a licensed captain and two mates. They are very safe and are wheelchair accessible for collapsible wheelchairs.

All rates are subject to change, at any time, to include additional taxes and fees as demanded legally by the Government of The Bahamas.

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