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Timid or Non-swimmers Welcome

Worried that your lack of swimming skills will keep you from meeting a dolphin? DON'T BE!!! Our Dolphin Encounter program takes place in shallow water where you will stand on a platform. The dolphins will swim up and over the platform where you can meet them one-on-one. We want you to feel comfortable and to enjoy the program as well. We welcome all timid and non-swimmers and encourage you to make your dolphin dream come true.

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Sea Lion FAQs Information about California Sealions
Sea Lion Information

Sea Lion FAQs

Where did the Sea Lions come from?
All six of our sea lions were rescued after Hurricane Katrina destroyed their home in Gulfport, Mississippi. They were all born at different facilities in the United States and were living at the Gulfport Oceanarium at the time of the storm.

Do they like their new home at Dolphin Encounters?
Yes, the animals love their home on Blue Lagoon Island. Having been raised in aquariums, when the animals came to live at Dolphin Encounters in their all-natural ocean habitat it was their first time ever being in the ocean. They love swimming in the sea, chasing fish, playing with other sea creature that live in their habitat and diving.

Have any of the sea lions been in movies?
Yes, several of the animals appeared in the movie Andre starring Tina Majorino. They played the lead role of Andre in the movie. They also appeared in the movie Slappy and the Stinkers.

All rates are subject to change, at any time, to include additional taxes and fees as demanded legally by the Government of The Bahamas.

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