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What sets us apart

Beautiful Scenic Boat Ride

We know that not all of our guests are big boaters and a few may worry about the size of the vessels or the length of the trip. Relax! Our catamarans are large, double-decker vessels that can each carry well over 100 passengers. Each boat has a captain and two mates, is equipped with life vests and is fully licensed and inspected. The ride is approximately 20-minutes and you never lose sight of land or venture far out to sea. Sit back, relax and enjoy as we cruise through Nassau's harbour, past Paradise Island and over to Blue Lagoon Island. The boat ride is very picturesque and worth the trip!

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Bahamas Blue Lagoon Island Travel Guide for Proposals & Engagements
Get Married At Dolphin Encounters

Travel to Blue Lagoon Island, Bahamas for a Unique Engagement

What could be more memorable than proposing to the love of your life in a beautiful tropical island paradise with the assistance of a friendly dolphin? It will be our pleasure at Dolphin Encounters to make that special moment romantic and unforgettable. Let us know in advance by contacting , and we'll help arrange the surprise at no cost.

After making the arrangements, you and your loved one will participate in one of our programs, at the appropriate time one of our dolphins will deliver a waterproof container with the ring you have brought for this special moment. It's up to you to pick the words that will mean the most to both of you, but we will capture it on film so you will have the memory forever.

All rates are subject to change, at any time, to include additional taxes and fees as demanded legally by the Government of The Bahamas.

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