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All Guests Are Welcome

Dolphin Encounters offers programs that meet everyone's needs, even timid or non-swimmers can enjoy a program and make their dream of meeting a dolphin come true. We also work closely with special needs guests. With arrangements made at the time of reservation, we can accommodate any person with a physical and/or mental special need in a program that they will enjoy. We also have a waterproof wheelchair that allows guests to meet the dolphins face to face. The facility is wheel chair accessible and we also work closely with the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

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Swim with a Dolphin in the Bahamas -Dolphin Encounters
Dolphin Swim Program

Best Swim with Dolphin Program – Things to Do for Kids and Adults in the Bahamas

Swim with Dolphins


$185 per person
plus 7.5% Value Added Tax effective Jan.1, 2015 (new Bahamas government tax)

Departure Times:

8:30 AM
10:30 AM
1:30 PM
3:30 PM

Duration of Program:

1-Hour including orientation

Total Length of Tour:

3-3 1/2 hours

Dolphin Swim Video


In the Dolphin Swim Program, you receive the unique opportunity for playful, educational interaction with these wonderful animals in the beautiful turquoise waters of our natural ocean lagoon. Your program to swim with dolphins begins with a fun orientation, briefly covering the natural history of dolphins, animal training techniques, ocean conservation and Watchable Wildlife Guidelines.

Once in your lifejacket, experience the joy of a dolphin kiss and fall in love with their gentleness as you hug a dolphin in your arms. Dance and sing with our stars then marvel at the dolphin's strength as you are propelled across the lagoon in the finale behavior --- the footpush! In this program, trainers focus on allowing everyone to enjoy a high degree of interaction with the dolphins, and at the same time, teach you about these amazing animals in their natural habitat.

Our professional photo & video staff will be capturing your experience swimming with dolphins on film so that you will have a chance to take home incredible souvenirs of your unforgettable experience.

If you're looking for things to do in the Bahamas with kids and you want to experience the best place to swim with dolphins, look no further than Dolphin Encounters.

All rates are subject to change, at any time, to include additional taxes and fees as demanded legally by the Government of The Bahamas.

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© 2015 Dolphin Encounters.