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Our Programs
What sets us apart

Spectacular All- Natural Environment on a Secluded Private Island

Whether guests are participating in one of the interactive animal programs or just observing, a visit to our beautiful island alone is worth it. Surrounded by turquoise blue water on all sides and covered with thousands of native coconut trees, lush landscaping and a natural lagoon, Blue Lagoon Island is an extraordinary private island that offers guests a glimpse of an untouched paradise. There is no other facility in the world that offers the same experience. It also provides our marine mammals with an unmatched, all-natural ocean habitat.

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Dolphin FAQs Information on Dolphin Encounters Animals
Dolphin Information

Dolphin FAQs

How many dolphins does Dolphin Encounters have?
Dolphin Encounters has 18 Atlantic bottlenose dolphins.

How old are your dolphins?
Dolphin Encounters has dolphins ranging in age from 1-year-old to 41-years-old.

How long does it take to train your dolphins to do behaviors?
Training time varies. It depends on the trainer and the dolphin. Humans learn differently, so do dolphins.

How do you come up with names for the dolphins?
Several of our dolphins are named after our employees; others were named by students participating in "Baby Naming" competitions. It is an interesting process.

What are your dolphins' names?
Abaco, Andy, Aunty V, Cacique, Chippy, Dot, Goombay, Gussie Mae, Jake, Laguna, Miss Merlin, Niña, Princess, Salvador, Soca, Shawn, Stormy.

All rates are subject to change, at any time, to include additional taxes and fees as demanded legally by the Government of The Bahamas.

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