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Dolphin & Sea Lion Trainers: Sarah Buchanan – Dolphin Encounters
Dolphin Encounter's News

Trainer Talks: Sarah Buchanan


Trainer Talk is a monthly profile of one of the professional dolphin and sea lion  trainers at Dolphin Encounters. Their unique perspectives on the amazing animals with whom they work give us insight into the world of animal training and education.

Why did you become a trainer?
My father is a farmer and I was born in the family home on the farm which has a lot of animals, so some might say I was destined to work with animals. Every moment I wasn’t in school, I was with the animals. At a young age I rode and developed horses and went on to compete in equestrian sports as a professional, taking me to many countries all over the world. I ended up in Jamaica, riding as the Team Captain and teaching local children how to ride. A dolphin facility opened up in Jamaica and I was hired to acclimate the new dolphins. It was a turning point in my life.

How long have you been a trainer?
I don’t really consider myself a trainer as it’s more about building a relationship, having trust and compatibility with a lot of love and compassion. When you have all of these things, your animal will do anything for you and you will do anything for your animal. For me it’s been my way of life.

Who is your favorite animal & why?
We always try not to have favorites, but we do, and Milo is my favorite sea lion. With him as the first sea lion born at our facility, I have been building a relationship from the day he was born. He is very smart, makes me smile and laugh every day, and for all that - he thinks he is a tough guy. He really is a teddy bear with a lot of energy.

What’s your favorite behavior to train?
I always love to work on training sea lions and dolphins for what we call husbandry behaviors as they are so important for the animal’s health. We hope that we have a strong enough bond with the animals that they will trust us enough to realize that we are not going to hurt them when we put a needle in for a blood sample, or a tube down their throat for a stomach sample, and that the ultrasound machine is not a scary monster that is going to eat them.

What your favorite part of being a dolphin and sea lion trainer?
My favorite part, hmmmmm. I think that I am very lucky that I get to wake up every morning excited to go hang with my extended family. I know there may be some low points in the day, but I know I will smile, laugh, receive a lot of love and also be able to give that love back.

All rates are subject to change, at any time, to include additional taxes and fees as demanded legally by the Government of The Bahamas.

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