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What sets us apart

Spectacular All- Natural Environment on a Secluded Private Island

Whether guests are participating in one of the interactive animal programs or just observing, a visit to our beautiful island alone is worth it. Surrounded by turquoise blue water on all sides and covered with thousands of native coconut trees, lush landscaping and a natural lagoon, Blue Lagoon Island is an extraordinary private island that offers guests a glimpse of an untouched paradise. There is no other facility in the world that offers the same experience. It also provides our marine mammals with an unmatched, all-natural ocean habitat.

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Beach Vacation Essential "What to Pack" List – Dolphin Encounters
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Beach Vacation Essential "What to Pack" List

Are you traveling to a Caribbean island, such as Nassau, Bahamas - home of the sun, sand, and sea? Spending time on a calm and relaxing beach is truly a day in paradise. Being on a private island with Mother Nature’s beauty at your fingertips sounds perfect. However, not packing adequately for a beach vacation can lead to an uncomfortable trip. Don’t get caught without this list of essentials for any day on the beach.

Beach Vacation Packing Check List

• Sunscreen – We tend to neglect to pack this necessity, but it is truly a must-have for any Caribbean vacation. Unprotected sun exposure can lead to major health problems in the future, so bring at least 2 different SPF sunscreen lotions for your tanning needs. Also, experts recommend that you apply your sunscreen 30-40 minutes before sun exposure to allow for proper absorption.
• Sun Glasses – Now that your skin is protected, it’s time to protect your eyes. Wearing sunglasses at the beach allows for peaceful, uninterrupted relaxation on the beach, and reduces exposure to damaging rays.
• Large and Small Towel – This may seem obvious, but we’ve all forgotten to pack our beach towels at some point. In addition to a large towel, remember to bring a small face towel. After a long day on the beach, your face may sweat and accumulate salt from the water. Use the small towel to gently pat your face, keeping it clean and dry throughout the day.
• Outfit Change – Sounds like a lot of work, but all you really need is an extra pair of shorts and a t-shirt or tank top. It makes a big difference when your clothes are filled with sand or if you happen to get thrown in the water! Ensure you’re comfortable as you visit Bahamas landmarks after a relaxing day at the beach with a change of clothing.
• Camera – Don’t leave home without it. Capture great moments with loved ones or the beauty landscape around you during your vacation. You may even come across some amazing Bahamas animal life to capture on film!
• Band Aids – In the event that you or a family member has an unexpected accident, remember to pack a small first aid kit.

Being prepared and packing this list of items is essential when you are taking a Bahamas vacation, or any other trip to a remote beach location.

All rates are subject to change, at any time, to include additional taxes and fees as demanded legally by the Government of The Bahamas.

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