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Dolphin Encounters has been the host to thousands of local and visiting schoolchildren through our many educational programs and we remain committed to teaching everyone that visits the facility the importance of protecting and preserving the marine environment.

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Cute Sea Lions: Maggie – Dolphin Encounters
Dolphin Encounter's News

Animal Spotlight: Magnolia (a.k.a. Maggie), the Cute Sea Lion


Maggie was born in Gulfport Mississippi at Marine Life Oceanarium and came to Dolphin Encounters in 2006 after her home was destroyed in Hurricane Katrina. She is the first sea lion pup in the Bahamas and is now mother to 3 sea lions: Milo, Bonny, and Charlotte. Maggie loves attention and is a very overexcited sea lion. Dwaynell Fox, one of her trainers, describes her as the most random sea lion of the lot. She is often seen jumping up on the docks performing behaviors without her trainers, just for her own entertainment.

Dwaynell decided to teach Maggie a new behavior that no other sea lion knows at Dolphin Encounters: The Come and Get It. Maggie is asked to stay at a distance from the trainer and when Dwaynell yells, “Come and Get It,” she dives from the spot, swimming swiftly, jumps in the air and catches a fish 8 feet in the air. Let’s salute Maggie for a job well done!

All rates are subject to change, at any time, to include additional taxes and fees as demanded legally by the Government of The Bahamas.

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